I am unable to apply the Olay $3 off coupon. The coupon is only valid for 1 time use per household, and I have applied it for your Olay item in my previous DS93.
The Olay item will be eligible for only the 20% off (after discount = USD23.99) Item will be dropped since you indicated you do not wish to proceed with the price increase.
Email address: roseinfusion@gmail.com
Acct Type/Acct No: dbs savings plus 065-4-006558
Item #1
Item name: AmLactin Moisturizing Lotion 12%, Fragrance Free
URL: http://www.drugstore.com/amlactin-moisturizing-lotion-12-fragrance-free/qxp16752?catid=182922
Alt: DNB
Price in USD: 18.39
Item #2
Item name: Olay ProX Eye Restoration Complex
URL: http://www.drugstore.com/olay-prox-eye-restoration-complex/qxp208240?catid=182915
Alt: DNB
Price in USD: 21.59 (pls use the click & save coupon on top of the 20% off)
Proceed if there is a price increase or if coupons do not work? NO
Total no. of items: 2
Total price in USD: 39.98
Total price in SGD: (Total in USD X 1.308) + $3 = 55.29
*** PAID ***
For IB users
IBanking nick: chenfeng
Date & Time: 5/2/2014 2:25 AM
Amt: $55.29
Ref no: 12081043091
The Olay item will be eligible for only the 20% off (after discount = USD23.99)
Item will be dropped since you indicated you do not wish to proceed with the price increase.
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