Proceed if there is a price increase or if coupons do not work? YES Total no. of items: 21 Total price in USD: $89.79 Total price in SGD: ($89.79 X 1.308) = $117.45
*** PAID *** For IB users IBanking nick: Angelina Date & Time: 30/10/13 Amt: $117.45 Ref no: 11604056212
Email address:
Acct Type/Acct No: POSB Saving 094-058520
Item #4
Item name: Aqua Filter Disposable Water Filtered Holders
Alt: Nil
Qty: 20
Price in USD: $2.99 x 20 = $59.80
Item #5
Item name: Ridgecrest Herbals Clear Lungs, Extra Strength, Vegetarian Capsules
Alt: Nil
Price in USD: $29.99
Proceed if there is a price increase or if coupons do not work? YES
Total no. of items: 21
Total price in USD: $89.79
Total price in SGD: ($89.79 X 1.308) = $117.45
*** PAID ***
For IB users
IBanking nick: Angelina
Date & Time: 30/10/13
Amt: $117.45
Ref no: 11604056212
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