Supre Sale
Batch 1 : Ordered
Batch 2 : Ordered
_spreee fb: [
Things to Note
1. No payment = no order
2. There will be 2 payment, first payment will be for item price + initial shipping, second payment for postage and top-ups for shipping (if any)
3. Refunds will only be done at the end of the spree (when items reach my house)
4. No cancelling/editing of orders once spree has closed
5. Updates are done via mass email (first email will be when items reach courier company, about 1+ week after spree closure
6. If I freeze your comment, it means payment has been received and that items have been ordered / is in stock at point of purchase
Website Contact Me
pls put subject as "Supre" and tell me your LJ nick! bt the best is still to post on the spree page 'cos i'll check the spree page first :)
Exchange Rate
AUD1 : SGD1.2407
Mode of Payment
I accept iBanking / ATM transfer only!
POSB Savings 126972121
Shipping Cost
International shipping, AUD 30
Shipping is quite fast but due to sales season might be slower so items should take estimated 2 weeks to arrive
Will be split either by units or split equally (if everyone orders more of less the same stuff)
Postage Cost
Only normal/reg mail
Will be advised and collected during 2nd payment (together with top-ups - if any)
NOTE: 50 cents handling fee is added to postage cost
* I won't be responsible for lost mails (if normal mail opted) so pls opt for registered postage (+$2.24) *
Please post your order in this format:
LJ nickname:
Name: *to be written on envelope*
E-mail address:
Item 1
Item Name: ** pls add item to cart and ensure colour / size is available **
Price (in AUD):
Item 2
Item Name:
Alt: URL / colour / size or same / colour or dnb
Price (in AUD):
Total Price (in AUD): ( )
Total Price (in SGD): [( ) * 1.2407]=
*not factoring in the 9% tax savings, will be used to offset shipping first
Payment details
Account details:
iB nick:
Account details: