8ty8beauty spree
Closing on Tuesday 9th Jan. Might close early or late, depending on response.
Payment MUST be made when placing order
Only doing meet-up for this. Only join if comfortable!
Accepting any items, will reject anything i think is too big.
feedback 127+/1n/1- Terms & Conditions
1. Will not be liable for lost/damaged items through normal mail.
2. Only paid orders will be placed.
3. I reserve the right to close the spree at any time & reject late orders.
4. Reply to your own post with your payment details.
5. I will not be responsible for wrong/damaged items sent to Singapore.
6. Please double check your item name and URL.
7 Will update via email or this page, so please bookmark it.
8. Please be cooperative & nice. :)
9. Any refunds will be done only after the spree closes.
10.ATM transfer allowed, but please do so within 12 hours after placing order.
Also, state time of transfer and trans ref.
11.Nice participants are gladly appreciated! dead/rude/unreasonable spree-ers, i'd rather not take your order >< I have the rights to reject your orders.
Spree organiser: read_gwen
Email: green.polkadotss@gmail.com
1. Website:
8ty8beauty.com 2. Exchange rate:
1USD = 1.5109SGD
3. Mode of payment:
POSB savings 209-01641-9 (preferred)
UOB TX account 385-370-869-9 SGD
Please use your lj nick for IB.
There will be 2 collections:
a. Initial payment of items + $1.00(initial shipping)
b. topups(additional shipping)
4. Spree closure
Tuesday, 9th Jan 2359hr
5. Shipping:
Via USPS Express
shipping will be divided by the number of items
6. Distribution of items:
- ONLY meetup (Will hold a couple of meetups. 1 at centrepoint on saturday, another at tampines)
- STRICTLY no self-collection
7. Format of order
Real name/lj nick:
Acc details:
item #1:
Alt if OOS:
price in USD:
item #2:
Alt if OOS:
price in USD:
total amount in USD:
total amount in SGD: [total * 1.5109] + ($1.00 * no. of items) = [total amount here]
payment details: