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amabel103 June 26 2008, 02:51:43 UTC
Nick: amabel103
Name: Amabel Ng
Email Address: amabelng@hotmail.com
Account Type/No: DFBS Savings Plus 0084032966

Item #1
Item Name: ☆東京著衣☆【無可挑剔的溫柔質感☆27032☆珠釦蝶結針織假兩件-粉色】
URL: http://tw.f6.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/f10321506?u=mayuki0920
Size: one size
Colour: 粉色
Price in NT: 330
Alternative: ☆東京著衣☆【無可挑剔的溫柔質感☆27035☆珠釦蝶結針織假兩件-黑色
URL: http://tw.f6.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/f10321511?u=mayuki0920

Item #2
Item Name: ☆東京著衣☆【好感度滿分的甜美好搭款☆29164☆雕花棉質假兩件-淺紫】
URL: http://tw.f2.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/b40887508?u=mayuki0920
Size: one size
Colour: 淺紫
Price in NT: 270
Alternative: ☆東京著衣☆【好感度滿分的甜美好搭款☆29161☆雕花棉質假兩件-紫紅】
URL: http://tw.f4.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/d32854173?u=mayuki0920

Item #3
Item Name: ☆東京著衣☆【微微散發嫻靜柔美氣息☆28977☆芽邊腰綁結V領洋裝-桃粉】
URL: http://tw.f5.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/e26566161?u=mayuki0920
Size: one size
Colour: 桃粉
Price in NT: 350
Alternative: ☆東京著衣☆【微微散發嫻靜柔美氣息☆28976☆芽邊腰綁結V領洋裝-深灰】
URL: http://tw.f5.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/e26566143?u=mayuki0920

Item #4
Item Name: ☆東京著衣☆【清新素雅的實搭裙款☆29311☆花藤綁帶及膝裙-深灰
URL: http://tw.f3.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/c37081213?u=:mayuki0920
Size: one size
Colour: 深灰
Price in NT: 290
Alternative: ☆東京著衣☆【清新素雅的實搭裙款☆29309☆花藤綁帶及膝裙-灰色】
URL: http://tw.f4.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/d32857337?u=mayuki0920

Total Number of Items: 4
Total In NT: 1240

TOTAL IN SGD: 1240 * 0.0469 = $ 58.16
GRAND TOTAL IN SGD: $58.16 + (4 x $2) = $66.16

will update payment details after ATM transfer during lunch...
By the way, is it possible to do self collection for just 4 items? And where is the self collection? Thanks!


amabel103 June 26 2008, 07:03:52 UTC
ATM user
Date/Time: 26th June 2008
Amount transferred: $66.16
Transaction reference: 6383
Please keep your receipt in case I did not receive your payment.


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