Rach doing a friends cut, reminded me i needed to do one. I had 90 people on my friends list.
Now im down to 64
3xploited, __criticism, __videokilled, _almostgolden, _chantel, _pincushion_, _spink, _subjective, aenemid, anddarling_, beautifulblu, blind_lotus, brokenxhome, burlesk_freak, caleighgreen, cracked_vinyl, demulceo, flyaway_missing, focough_n_die, hoodsonperegrin, i_nertia, injection, k_k_karissa, kaaron, kateatron, lineofcorpses, lykeomgzwtf, meltonme, metalmitilia, misplacedobject, monopolized_, morningstar_xxx, muniak, ninreference, pinkspider_x, pocket_heart, pretty_things_, punkrawkangel69, rabidlobster, rainbowish621, randomgummer, readysetfire, savetonight, scarletdecay, shantilly_lace, skrwadlover, spam_, starttheshxw, still_thinking, streetxlite, suckerlove__, tonightonly, unlikeable, upsetgirl, usedtoluvher, veryxbadxkittie, wruind, xclosertogodx, xlightmyfire, xlunatiquex, xmethedrinex, xpurfiktx, xsonix, xxviciousxx