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Sep 20, 2008 19:26

Seeeeew, uni has started again. Despite being quite truly unimpressed to be back in Chatham, the new house is quite nice and going back has helped with my feelings of hatred towards lens based art which you know, is helpful. So far I've pretty much just watched Gilmore Girls, eaten nutella and neurotically checked the electricity meter every two seconds though. Meters are rather a nuisance.

Last weekend we went to Wales to scatter Nana Wales' ashes up this mountain that she used to love to walk up. The prospect of rather a long walk was a little terrifying but somehow I managed it and didn't even feel too terrible afterwards. It was very moving, and the mountain translates into 'Mother of Mountains' or something similar so rather fitting. We found a quieter spot, away from the summit to scatter them. Dad and Uncle Mark took it in turns take handfuls. The wind made them swirl and dance away from them over the heather. It was really very beautiful... I took a few photographs but we all ended up crying, except my Dad who remained very intact the whole time. Its funny really, I was never that close to Nana Wales, yet I felt very close to her for a few hours. Whilst up there, my cousin Julia found an undeveloped 35mm canister so I took it home and developed it the other day. It's quite exciting. It appears to belong to a boy who was on some sort of organised trip up the mountain. I can't really tell how old it is, or identify the film so I suspect it came from a disposable or something. It looks like it might be a year or two old at least as the canister was a little worn on the outside and the colours and general people don't quite look like the people of now. It's quite exciting to come across this sort of thing. I think my dissertation and possibly major project this year is going to be on appropriation so maybe I can use it in some way.

Then we went to Llangollen which was where she lived before she moved to Eastbourne. I learnt to walk in Llangollen (also up a mountain) so it's always been a special place for us. It's funny, we hadn't been for about nine years and it hadn't changed at all. It always used to feel like stepping back in time and it felt exactly the same this time. It has the most spectacular part of the River Dee running through it and when you stand on the bridge (a stone bridge, no less) you can feel it vibrating from the rapids. I bought some rather lovely honey and some fudge.

Not much other exciting stuff has happened... Have had Laura Marling's album on repeat. I didn't much like it at first but it's really really grown on me. I've been in the house quite a lot by myself as I'm the only one who doesn't work so it's been a little lonely but also quite good to be able to play Bach as loudly as possible without looking like a complete old bat. Which I am, but oh well.
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