Dec 31, 2004 16:18
Alas, the last day of this glorious [or not-so, matter of factly..] year in 2004. In celebration I figured I'd write a sort of final-recap post as many of you all, and myself included, do each year. That being said, here we go..
Let me start off by saying that an unimaginable weight of events have occurred in the last 364 days. It's been that cliché rollercoaster effect; definitely one of those life altering years. [Of course, any aspect of life IS.. but it's been defining in itself.] Of course, compiled of the good.. and it's more than fair share of the bad.. but all-in-all, I can say that I'm ready for the closing of this chapter.
Friends. Definitely a big thing this year. I had some good friendships, lost some greater ones, learned how to actually handle meeting new people, and I think, most importantly, realized I could handle things on my own. A little faction I don't think I need to name reigned in 2004. Quite possibly the greatest little group of friends I've ever had, and I'm sure it's not in the cards that I'll find anything comparable ever in the future again.. But I'm happy I got to experience 'us'. Regardless of how messy the unravelling may have been, we're all changed, for the better I'm sure. Here's to 3 amazing girls who I know will shine regardless of all things changed. All things happen for a reason, and negativity is mere baggage. I'm so thankful I've finally realized that.. those words are truly golden. Memories are great to have. 20 years from now they'll outlive the stupid arguments and shesaidshesaid's.
Best friend. One of three people ever worthy of the title. And I'm sure that means something. We were amazing, and that can't be denied. There's little more that can be said. People drift and things change.. though somehow it seemed inevitable with the two of us. But of course- nothing is inevitable. I regret that things ended so.. roughly and I regret things said, things done, but it's all in the past. Any and all prior jealousy and illfeelings aside, it's overkill in my book. Rumination unneeded. Things ending the way they did, I regret missing the opportunity for this: Thank you. I really hope you can digest that, and accept it. There's more weight to it than two small words can seemingly hold. I'm happy you're happy. I know you're way better off than you were over a year ago, and I'm just as happy for you now as I would have been then. Believe me when I say you deserve this.
Inside? God, how I've grown. I've overcome some huge things this year, and I'm proud of myself. I have confidence. I have strength. I know how to deal and I'm done with t h a t. A three-year crutch I am more than happy to be rid of. THANK YOU. That's to five unnamed people who probably don't know who they are and more than likely will not read this. Just let it be said.
You. THE best thing to come out of this year. What more is there to say.. you are the final straw that refuses to break. You hold me up and I lose all strength. You are my heart, my soul, and my hope. A billion thank-you's couldn't suffice to let you know how much I appreciate all that you've done for me. Distance separated us. Time tested us. Love made us stronger than ever. I love you with all that I have, all that I am. I survive on the breath you are finished with
School. Whew. Well, my entire attitude/outlook has changed regarding it. I don't necessarily enjoy it.. I tolerate it more. I should go to class more.. Mono basically changed everything. It set me off on the worst foot possible and I still haven't recovered from its inbalances. Inside, I know I'm not as apathetic as it seems.. I'm just trying to deal. I'm trying. Here's to hoping I can pick things up in 2005.
Wrestling. Wow. Lol. What happened with that? I lost complete interest pretty fast.
The reason I metnion it is because it definitely was such a huge part of my life. I just grew out of it.. didn't have the time for it. Interests shift. I guess it just happens. Nevertheless, my appreciation and respect for the business still stands. I swear by its ability to intoxicate. I'm sure many of you all catch my drift.
Other changes in 2004.. well, for the most part, living in this house was new for 2004. Acceptance. Appreciation. Regret. Reflection. Love. It's been interesting. Real interesting. Most of all, it's just been real. I truly believe this is the beginning. The beginning of something more.. I'm ready for it.
New Years Resolutions? Finally get a god-damned job. Gain more optimism. Just roll with it. Life is hard enough without making it unnecessarily more difficult. I plan on enjoying this more than I have. I'm only 16. Not sixteen years old. Sixteen years young.. so much more to come. So much.
Finally, I've made the decision to disconinue the use of this journal. Let's face it, I hardly write in it.. I never comment. Why do I bother, really. So I'm gonna let this one fade out just as it entered. I started this journal in the beginning of 2004. Let's keep it in 2004. It's been real, kids.
Final words: Happy New Year everyone. Let it be positive, produtive, and happy. Life love with love in your heart. Misery enjoys company.. don't fall into the trap; keep it in solitude ;)Enjoy life, get the most out of it, smile. Never hurts. Everyday is a new chance to to do something different. Have fun with it. A la Matt Hardy.. Be well, and until then..
c r e d i t s r o l l.
b i t c h ;)