Mar 30, 2008 16:07
Spring Break has been pretty cool, but also pretty shitty.
I guess I made a new best friend, and Mikey has a girlfriend.
Elizabeth Chamberlain and Felicia.
It's sort of complicated.
I made cupcakes, too, but Mike took all the rest to Felicia's house.
I really need that job.
Nobody called me back about my application yet.
I guess it's been two weeks; Elizabeth said it took them like three to call her back and schedule the interview.
And they also hired a couple people before I applied, but they're for daytime and I'd be after school.
I really hope I get it, because we really, really need the money.
At the same time, it's like, why should I have to get a job?
Who goes to school everyday?
Mike and I.
Who plays World of Warcraft and The Sims Online all day?
Oh, yeah, mum and Charity.
Who's 18 and should take responsibility for the care of their family?
Me, apparently.
And it isn't like I'm even going to see the money I make, not for a couple months, because it's not like I'm going to buy stuff for me when we have like $20 to spend on food for nine people, with six days until dad's next payday.
Maybe if they had one less person, it'd be easier.
I don't know
I need a goddamn job.