Dec 08, 2004 18:33
It's gotten to the point where I'm sinking pretty low for ideas on how to procrastinate. I'm posting in my jounal for crying out doesn't get much worse than this, hehe.
Long story short, the end of this week and all of next week are gona suck. The only thing left to look forward to is the weekend, and not even that's gonna be much fun...
Tonight (12/8) - Study for CSE 333 FINAL
(i know there's more then enough time to study for this tomorrow, but i always do better on tests if i study the night matter how late they take place)
(afternoon) - I dunno, but something hw/studying related
(6:50-8:10) - CSE 333 FINAL
(rest of the night) - CSE 305 Project
Friday - CSE 305 Project
Saturday - CSE 305 extra credit hw (i'm going for highest grade possible in this class)
CSE 333 extra credit homework (i'm not taking any chances missing out on an A in this class)
STUDY for AMS 310
//Begin next week
(5-7:30) - GEO 112 FINAL
(rest of night) - STUDY for HUI 236
(11-1:30) - HUI 236 FINAL
(rest of day) - STUDY for CSE 303 and AMS 310
(8-10:30) - CSE 303 FINAL
(2-4:30) - AMS 310 FINAL
(rest of night) - STUDY for CSE 305
(5-7:30) - CSE 305 FINAL
(midnight) - CSE 333 extra credit hw due
Expected grades (so far):
CSE 303 - B- ~ B+
CSE 305 - B ~ A-
CSE 333 - A
HUI 236 - B- ~ B+
AMS 310 - C+ or higher (studying like hell for this final)
The bottom line:
Extra credit is magical