What a rough week...

Nov 12, 2004 16:40

I've been going through a lot this week...soo many things have been going on. First off, planning for the next few semesters of my college life has been tricky. Just when I thought I was set on a definite schedule for next semester, I finally realize that there might actually be such a thing as "taking too many computer science classes in one semester." I used to think this was unfathomable, but it actually seems like the amount of programming I'm in for next semester is gonna be on the dangerously high side, if my current planned schedule goes into effect. If you're looking at my schedule while reading this, I'm mainly worried because 1) I haven't ever taken this many computer science classes in one semester, to date, and 2) because CSE 308, 373, and 390 are all programming courses and I heard CSE 334, requires quite a bit of work too. Now the thing is, I have a number of solutions to this predicament, that should help without dropping me down to taking an anemic 12 credits next semester. Either way, I plan on taking CSE 373 off the list and putting either a hardware course on (most likely CSE 320), or a more fun course, namely CSE 336, Internet Programming, cause (as many of you know) I have a knack for that sort of thing, and therefore it will (hopefully) require less time and effort to do well in. Sorry if this is too technical for those of you not familiar with the CSE major at Stony Brook. I did post descriptions of these courses here, if you're interested in finding out a little bit more. We'll see what happens soon enough with scheduling though. I should be going to see a professor in my department that handles all this fun scheduling stuff next week sometime. I wanted to this week, but I was feeling kinda sick towards the second half.

I think I've got one of those throat colds. Feels weird when you swallow, and a headache comes and goes, not to mention the runny nose. To combat this most unfortunate occurence, I went to the store the other day to stock up on OJ, and various fruits (namely oranges and grapefruits). Hopefully that'll speed me along the road to recovery. Being sick sucks.
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