
Nov 04, 2004 12:38

It seems like things keep getting better. I somehow managed to receive my midterm grades from last week in order from worst to best. In a way, this is both good and bad. The good being that I've gone from being dissatisfied about my performance on the tests mentioned in my last post to being quite satisfied all in the span of just this week. Especially since the ones I did well on were the ones that mattered the most (aka the computer science ones) and it would seem that they indicate that I'm taking the right classes to plan for my future career (whatever that may be...sounds like a topic for a future post, if I've ever heard one). And since none of the grades were horrible enough to not make public (for once), here they are....

AMS 310 - 33/60 ~ 55%
HUI 236 - 22/30 ~ 73.3%
CSE 333 - 88/100 ~ 88%
:: drum roll please ::
CSE 305 - 98/100 ~ 98%

I like the gradual climb into the academic prosperity, but I do kinda wish it didn't have to start soo low to begin with. I mainly got screwed over with the math because I was too stubborn to follow the ridiculous demands of my professor, much like weak and lazy countries appease the demands of a ruthless dictator. She's turned math into memorizing formulas, and showing unnecessary loads of extra work for the simplest of problems that can be done in ones head and then simply have their answer written down, with minimal or no work/formulas shown. Oh well, somehow I'll adjust to these new practices (which I can't think of a better word than "new", to describe at this point)...this is the last math class I need, so at least after this there's nothing to worry about but what will hopefully be a smooth ride through computer science, which I'm going to go into detail about as soon as I finish commenting on the rest of those test grades.

I felt I could've done a bit better on HUI 236 (Italian-American scene), seeing as it was multiple choice/true false after all...but I've just been assigned some extra credit to redeem that test grade and ultimately have a chance of upping it by a grand total of 5 points. Now if only my math professor would be so generous as to offer something similar...for somewhere in the area of, I dunno, let's say 20 points. Yeah, that'd be nice.

And finally, the CSE tests went extremely well, and now that I think of it were the only ones where doing well truly mattered. For the first time ever recorded in history, I have been assigned the title of "curve breaker" in a computer science class, and damn does it feel good, (as I duck into hiding for the next few months).

The only thing I can think of at this point that's indication of moving downhill is the CSE 303 test that I just took yesterday (as long ago as it seems), which I know there's no way will top any of these recent CSE grades, but hopefully it won't kill me too badly...maybe it'll just leave me lying there and poke at my unconscious body until I get up realizing that I'm not actually dead...aaaannnnyyyyways, that's all for now, and if you give me a few minutes I'll put up my contemplative course list for next semester (so far), then again, you probably already read that, seeing as it's gonna be posted above this.
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