Saw the master Bill Cosby last night live in Lowell..
At his old age he is loosing a bit but he is still one of my favorite
comedians. And also the fact that he went most of the show with no
shoes on was quite bad ass =). I now want to go to more comedy shows...
More intimate ones though, Like at clubs. but ya, most clubs wont let
me in and all. Aw well.
So today I believe I am going to TGA after all, This shall be fun. I just hope Garrett gets back to me soon.
Oh and while I wait...
50 Random Facts About Me
1. I seldom look at my keyboard when I am typing.
2. Ever since I stopped playing DDR I have had next to nothing to do.
3. I am not retired. I am just taking a break.
4. I am currently thinking about getting back into baseball.
5. I can do the splits!
6. My cell phone has a cracked outer screen.
7. My current game of choice is Kung - Fu. I have yet to beat it. I can get to the 4th floor but those bees are too damn pesky
8. The first video game I ever played was Super Mario Bros 3.
9. The house I just moved into used to be a 2 family apartment, And I pretty much have my own appartment up here
10. I once fell of a tree house-ish structure that was 10 feet tall, and landed on a car engine with my ribs. I walked away without a scratch.
11. My favorite sport to play at the momment is NSAB (Non Sensilcal Assasination Ball) which me and a few friends invented in Gym Class.
12. My current favorite song is The Killers - Indie Rock N Roll
13. I listen to alot of music, i.e.: Crimson Court, In Flames, Maroon 5, Dimmu Borgir, Arch Enemy, Oasis, Iron
Maiden, Bush, LoLa Ray, Dream Evil, 311, Agathodaimon, Helloween, Chevelle,
Black Label Society, The Killers, Gamma Ray, Sublime, Andrew WK, Led Zepplin, The Darkness,
The Smiths, Blink 182, MxPx, Saves The Day, Rancid, The Get Up Kids, Junior
Senior, 311, Yoko Kanno, Sneaker Pimps, Daft Punk, BeForU, Dune
14. My Birthday is in 3 days of writing this
15. I am a righty, Except for when I play hockey, Then I am usually a lefty (I am the anti-Guen :P)
16. I yearn to move out of this town.
17. I do not know what I want to do with my life.
18. My interests for carrer are split this way: Baseball, Music, Journalist, Game Designer.
19. I am beggining to pronounce "yes" as "Yais" by accident.
20. I am 5'10" yet I still think I'm short
21. My biggest fear is not doing anything with my life, Or becoming what I hate.
22. I have been single for a bit over 2 years now... Feels alot longer than that.
23. "It's better to burn out, Than fade away"
24. I tend to be a psychiatrist to alot of people, Or atleast give them ALOT of advice.
25. This was my number in baseball alot, It is also Barry Bonds' number... Coincidence, I think so.
26. I tend to be bad at remembering things at my "old age" :::giggles:::
27. I don't dislike many... And if I do, they deserve it.
28. I wish I could be more witty on the spot.
29. I may act like I am, But no, I am not sexually attracted to ANY guys.
30. My computer is being a real jerk and this is becoming harder and harder to do.
31. I got alot of my musial interest from my mom, dad, and sister.
32. My dad contributed metal/classic rock.
33. My mom contributed oldies such as Sinatra, Elvis, and Johnny Cash
34. My sister contributed alot of Punk rock before it became mainstream like MxPx, The Ataris, The Get Up Kids,
35. I have short fuse on very few occasions but it does happen.
36. My life is better than I could have imagined it. So I have no complaints in life really.
37. I tend to make bad first impressions on some people.
38. I am still Rick-EH's henchman at heart.
39. I like web toons alot, My favorites are Arfenhouse, Homestar, and Weeble and Bob.
40. I miss old Nick shows... Like Pete and Pete.
41. I am very proficient in Dance Maniax and Dance Dance Revolution (Rusty though)
42. I have always yearned to start a buisness, Possibly with my mom.
43. I have dislexia alot, It tends to be with compound words.
44. Vicky and Patio and I are the TRIFECTA!
45. I enjoy a good game of football every chance I can get it.
46. I am not a "smooth operator"
47. I am also very into J-Pop, and alot of people find that wierd... Well... BACK OFF! hehe ^_^
48. I drink flavored water and eat ramen, this is becoming my new diet...
49. I have a 2.9 GPA this year, That isn't bad concidering my freshman year I failed 5 classes.
50. I wish I were a bit more asian...