Jun 06, 2006 16:21
Well I put in my two week notice yesterday. As much as it was indeed a dead end job that makes you want to go to college, I am going to miss working there and visiting all the dogs. I am especially going to miss Milo and Meesha, an American Bulldog and bulldog mix. Sweet, sweet, sweet dogs and really nice owners. And Charlie and Annie, two black chow mixes. All they ever think about it getting treats, but they are really cool. And the BUFF MAN AND HIS BUFF DOG (russian accent) lol. God, I think it's an akita, but that dog sure is beautiful. And of course, Hercules the fat dancing dog.
But not a job I want to work the rest of my life. Nice for now, but not a carreer. It was just way better than working at Jack in the Box.
Anyway I was ready for a change. I am ready to be paying rent and working towards getting a degree in SOMETHING...though I don't know what.
Yeah...uhm. I only have one day off this week. Yeah.