"Did someone lose their pants?"
Silver Gelatin Print
8 3/8" x 12 1/2"
I have a few good friends and another handful of friends I hardly ever see. Lately, I've been noticing they are shrinking, almost literally. I guess I would have thought that we all would be getting fat right now. Good jobs, a house, family, and maybe a wife that cooks huge meals. Barbeques on the weekends, restraunt bars on the days in between; girls aren't the only ones with dreams.
Although, I probably wouldn't have surmized if it weren't for their waists. Actually, it was their wrists that I noticed but that's not the point. I keep coming back to the state of the world today, the unemployment and endless discontent. These are good guys, hard workers, relatively smart, and they aren't all crackheads. You'd think things were supposed to be different, but they're not. They work shitty jobs for just enough pay and I do just enough to call what I do work.
Maybe this is how it's supposed to be, maybe we weren't destined for greatness. It's not so unusual to think that things happen for a reason, but what is this fate? While I refuse to take the negative side, it hurts me to see others think even less.
The thing is, I need some new friends, diverse friends and ones that won't let me down when I need them most. It's a matter of priority and well, if you asked them, you'd get a strange amount of answers in return.