Feb 19, 2009 10:34
Oh god, I made a big mistake.
I downloaded LOTR online... for a ten-day trial. I'd promised myself no more MMORPGs [as they steal my life and turn me into a hermit], but what harm could ten days do, right? XD
Last night I spent three hours and stayed up until 2 am, running from Ered Luin through the Shire to the Old Forest. Just running. I wasn't on a quest or anything. I just got really excited that the map was accurate. I visited Bag End [Lobelia Sackville-Baggins was there, of course], but the party tree was still decorated... XD 'Course I died as soon as I got into the Old Forest.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to subscribe to this game. Even if my mother's video card blows. It's nice to have dreams of Middle-Earth, instead of serving random people fried chicken.