Oh, the boredom...

Jan 30, 2006 16:43

This class, it will absolutely kill me from boredom. I'm trying, I really am, but I just cannot understand more than a grand total of ten words per hour and a half lecture. And the textbook is the most dry, bland, and utterly unexciting collection of words I have ever had the displeasure of reading. I'm aware that making a sociology class on Canadian Society actually interesting might not be possible, but I'm quite sure that it doesn't have to be so boring, either. There has to be some kind of happy medium. Unsurprisingly, the number of students who actually attend the class has dwindled from one hundred to a meagre forty-ish – this class, in fact, is the only class where I have absolutely no qualms about skipping. Because let's face it – I'm not exactly gaining a lot from sitting in a cold class on a hard plastic chair while a droning voice attempts to explain social stratification in Canada in what sounds suspiciously like a completely foreign language.
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