Mar 21, 2005 11:00
Im going to be caddy and mean and say mean things about a certain person that I wish I had never had acquaintance with. This person is francine. IN fact I dislike her so much that I let it ruin my whole day. Now I am in a bad mood. My life advice to her is that metal sucks and straight edge is lame. If you want to state your opinion about a certain issue dont fucking shove it down my throat. This is concerning a discussion my class had about the lady with the feeding tube and her husband wanting to take it out. My opinions are just as legitiment as anyones. I believe she should have the tube removed and the conservative christian republicans shouldn't be getting involved. I guarentee that their intentions are not as they seem. It is not their place and they are only involved to promote themselves. They could care about the lady. Its a dirty game in dirty america. Im sick of this school and Im starting to wonder why people have such problems with me.