(no subject)

Nov 10, 2006 00:09

So it's been quite some time since I have updated. And I really haven't talked to anyone back home lately. It really does suck, but I really dont ever have a chance between working 49 hours a week and constantly being exausted.

So I'm sure you all know from somewhere that Chris and I are having a baby. She is due around the new year. We are very excited about it. and Yes, I do look quite pregnant. I am 7 months. We still haven't decided on a name, but thats okay.

I kind of feel obigated to apologize to my friends. As far as not telling anyone sooner, but being 100 miles away and very busy with my own life I haven't felt the need to reach out to anyone about it. And it was also very important to me that my mom found out first and that part was sooooo hard. But its all done. My family is happy for us. And thats all that matters.

I am having a baby shower at the end of the month. Let me know if you are interested in comming and seeing me. I'll give you all the details.

Aside from that exciting news things are going well. My job at bank of america is decent. Sunoco on the other hand is getting intolerable. But i want to tough it out cause on Dec 12 I get 2 weeks paid vacation.

I really do miss my friends a lot. I want to see Manda so bad, and unfortantly last time I was in MA I had to get shit straightened with the baby registry and also with my mom, so I didnt get to see her. It sucks.

I feel like I have no support out here. I mean its hard for me to reach out to people, especially when the mean the world to me because I'm so scared of what they will think of me. So everytime I pick up my phone I panic and say I'll call tomarrow. Sometimes I feel like I am in the toughest of situations and there is no way out.

Living out here has really made me independent with my feelings. I used to spill everything to the first trusting peson to cross my path. But now, they are all bottled up and I decide when I'm going to sort them out. And when I do, its usually a catastrophe.

I don't even know if I'm making sence. With some other very sensitive subjects though, I am a time bomb.

We'll see what happens. I'm a very strong person so I know I'll be fine, but I have a feeling I'm causing myself more stress than I really need right now.

I'd really like to hear from you guys, Somthing to let me know you haven't forgotten about me or to let me know you still care.           I do need you.
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