Stolen from Sam.

May 22, 2006 11:05


his name?: Chris Lempart

where did you two first meet?: His house, Manda and I went to visit him.

when exactly did you two first meet?: Easter 04

what was your first impression of him?: being completely honest... meh, nothing special, definatly hott, but he was an ass, he left a bruise on me with his sandal and we just met.

when did you start liking him?: April 04, we hung out a lot and went to like 4 shows in one week

when did you two start going out?: May 9th 04

what was your first kiss with him like?: It was adorable. We were at the palladium, watching Coheed and Cambria. I was standing in front of him and nudged him. Then I looked at him, he gave me a funny look, so I took a step forward. He instantly pulled me into his arms and kissed me. I think thats when I fell for him. We held hands the whole way home. :)

how much older/younger is he compared to you?: ha, hes 4 years older than me.

hair color?: brown.

eye color?: hazel & green.

build?: atheletic, geourgous body.

heritage?: I may get this wrong. :X French, and polish

religion?: As far as what he fallows, no religion.

glasses?: Contacts, now.

piercings?: 5/8 plugs, lip, & nipples.

tattoos?: 2 Stars on his back.

Is he..

smart?: yes

sarcastic?: sometimes

humourous?: ahuh

possessive?: Over me, yes. In general, not so much.

patient?: Extremely.

affectionate?: When he feels like it

protective?: Very

clingy?: not at all

talkative?: When hes drunk/high.

outgoing?: Sometimes.

party animal/stay at home kind?: He's not a big party kind of person, just some close friends having a good time.

sporty?: He used to play soccer and run track in highschool. Now he only watches soccerand obv the Sox

artistic?: in the kitchen.

practical?: too pratical


can he cook?: I hope so, thats his occupation. He has made some amazing dishes for me as well.

can he repair things?: yup.

can he dance?: Like at a club? no.

can he sing?: not so much, but I'd listen to him for hours.

can he draw?: nope

can he play an instrument?: nope, maybe he'll learn on tour.

can he write well?: Handwriting...awful. Expressing feelings on paper... wonderful.

can he make you laugh?: Of course.

what is his talent?: Cooking, and getting pretty much any music you want off the internet. Just call him the downloading guru.

is he good at science and math?: haha, ummm I'm not sure.


what do you like about the things he says?: He doesn't express his feelings too much, but when he does he makes it very memorable.

what do you like about the things he does for you?: He used to surprise me a lot with little things, not so much any more, but if I ask for anything, he will do his absolute best.

what part of his face do you like the most?: eyes.

what part of his body do you like the most?: def his tummy.

what part of his personality do you like the most?: His devotion to what he holds in his heart.

what do you admire about him?: His priorities. And the extent he would go to, to ensure the best for his friends.

what part of him attracts you the most?: He has an amazing body, a perfect personality, and hes really really cute. Whats not to be attracted to?

do you know what attracts him to you?: When it comes down to specifics I'm not sure.


is he a pet lover?: ahuh.

is he an animal lover?: yup

is he environmental friendly?: eh, he throws his cigs and cups out the window every now and then.

what are his views on political issues?: He hates Bush.

is he racist?: He has his moments.

is he a vegetarian?: He loves vegetarian food, and eats it, but he could never abandon his meat.

does he drink?: Lately hes been drinking quite a bit.

does he smoke?: yes.

does he curse?: not that much

does he abuse drugs?: abuse... no.

is he hairy?: nope. :)

does he donate to beggars?: I don't think so.

is he neat or messy?: Well if you saw his room, you can't take a step into it, hes a bit of a pack rat. But that has to change since he is moving in. But outside of his room, he isn't that messy.


is he a romantic?: He could improve on that.

is he sentimental?: yes.

does he give you flowers?: Once, he bought me flowers with my own money. lol. But I don't really like flowers. I kill them

does he lavish you with gifts?: He takes care of me... so yes.

does he pay for your dates?: most of the time.

does he express his love for you in words or actions?: both.


any habits of his that you dislike?: Umm sometimes when hes drunk and he starts rambling and repeating himself, but i deal. Oh and also when he talks with the movies.

any part of his appearance that you dislike?: Nope hes perfect, except I wish he'd shave more often.

any part of his character that you dislike?: no


how long have you two been together?: 2 years.

do you truly love him?: I've been falling for him since April 04 and still haven't hit the bottom.

does he truly love you? He does.

can you envision marrying him?: How do I answer this? well Of course.

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