WTF; Brace yourself.

Oct 11, 2005 17:01

Preston's journal:
"People are such a waste of time and life."

My comment:
"Ha. I know I am."

Someone else's comment:
"i am...:("

Preston's reply to that person's comment:
"No your not... your definitely amazing and if anything are perfect example of how awesome people can be. So don't ever think that about yourself. Now the girl above you here is a perfect example of a waste of life."


I don't give a shit that this was from the end of September. I am so fucking pissed. It's funny how something like that can be said about someone who is GOING TO COLLEGE and has already started her CAREER at age 18. I have employment at an ARCHITECTURE FIRM, not just some second rate part time job. My future, unlike his, is promising and concrete. My passion is attatched to unavoidable sucess. In ten years from now, I will be making more money in a month then he will be in a year. You see, the difference is I can be successful without 238479653463 people liking what I do. On the other hand his success relies on everyone else. Promising huh?

Let's see... another reason why I'm not a waste of life, oh yea, I'm not your stupid average girl. I'm IQ smart, and street smart. I love one boy and STAY FAITHFUL to those feelings. This past month has opened my eyes to what love REALLY entails. Whether he is my boyfriend or not doesn't matter. He will be when the time is right and everything is perfect. I'm not stupid enough to destroy everything for one little rock in the road, and again I'm not stupid enough to destroy everything by rushing into a long term relationship. I'm not your everyday slut, nor your average girl.

My responsibilities go beyond school and work. I have a puppy that requires almost as much attention as a baby would. He is attatched to the very thought of me. Do you have another living, breathing thing that relies on you for every aspect of life and happiness? I didn't think so.

Not to mention the car that I work my ass off for. Just because I have a brand new Civic doesnt mean things are handed to me, or that 'Mommy bought it' cause she didn't. I had to repay half of the down payment and have a 4 year loan. It's nice when you get to treat yourself when you work.

And now that I'm in school, and am not working 40 hours a week, like I did this summer, I am lucky enough to have a wonderful mother that helps me out when I need it, as I do for her. Her and my sister is all the family I need, and there is support their both ways. Be it, finacially or emotionally.

I don't care how many friends I have or how close I am to any of them. I've found that each of them show concern in their own ways, to whatever problems of mine they can help on. The truth is, is that whoever you are closest to today, might be your worst enemy a year from now. It's happened to me twice already. Best friends make the best enemies. For those rare ones who never turn their back on you... those are the ones to devote yourselves to, after of course, they have proven their loyalty.

I make it a point to choose my friends wisely. Even those I know aren't going to be around long. If that means having one friend then so be it. If you make me miserable in any way, even with the tiniest thing, you are clearly a waste of my time.

Theres also one more thing that I want one particlar person to keep with him, even though he already knows. Okay, so as you know its a rare occasion for me to surround myself with girls because they are in FACT peices of shit. (Including myself at times) I have mostly Joe Rosario to thank for opening my eyes to the fact that I am the only girl that will not stab you in the back. I'll always be here for you, and will always be faithful. I don't go out looking to get drunk and hook up with boys. I dont flaunt my tits everytime I get a chance, I also don't dump on a pound of make up to get anyone's attention. I have my flaws, but they are merely emotional, rather than moral. Bottom line is that I am probably the best for you. I know you won't be able to find another person that comes close to who I am. Just an FYI, I'm here until the end. Don't take me for granted.


If you had read all that, please understand that I am not undermining anyone. I am lucky enough to have such a head start on my life, cause I found what I love so early. I have a lot of respect for a lot of you and the things that go on in each of your individual lives.

I am merely hurt by the remark that I am a 'waste of life' because I know that everyday I wake up, I am thankful and excited to encouter which ever endeavours may come my way. I just can't even fathom how someone could say that aftter supporting everything I stand for up to recently. I don't need to prove myself to anyone but myself, and I have accomplished more this past year than I ever thought imaginable. I guess this post was to kind of reflect on whats going on with me.

I am also not trying to say that I am better than everyone else. I know that some people who walk this earth is complete scum whether its some underage slut trying to be popular with the boys, or some 30 your old person who still doesnt know what they want to do with their life. No dreams, not even any potential. I just feel I have a leg up, and if I fall, I have the strength to get back up.

I'm a fighter. I'm sick of letting people put me down or treat me like shit. Lately, I always have something to say. Prepare yourself.

I was also thinking that what I said about him not succeding because all he is aiming for is success with music. A lot of my friends are very musically talented and I respect that, but it wouldn't hurt to have a back up plan right? I mean, you make music for the love, not the money. But the truth about life is that you need some sort of income to make it from day to day. So furthering your education shouldn't be put on hold for a band. Right?

I forgot to mention that I passed the AutoCAD challenge exam that I took on Saturday. Which means I can drop that class and take something else. I decided to take English so I dont have to take it next quarter. That is a Wednesday and Friday class (along with my Tech Math Class), and I don't have to be there until 9:30 rather than 7:45 on Mon and Wed. :) That brings me two classes ahead of everyone else that just started for their BA of Architecture. So far it looks like I'm going to be graduating a quarter earlier :D. Oh! and also. NEIT and BAC have a professional program. Meaning when I am done with my (already accelerated) 3 years at NEIT I can go to Boston Architect for 2-1/2 years and get my Masters! I'm automatically accepted too, and if anyone knows anything about BAC its one of the most prestegious architecture schools in the us. I'm excieted about that. I also get to complete my 2 years of full time internship (which I need to qualify to take my licensing test) while I'm in school at BAC rather than being a full time students for 2 years and then having to just work for 2 years. It's pretty amazing. I'm excited. I'd much rather live in Boston than RI. :))))
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