flight delayed both times. both for departure and arrival. both for philly and for boston. fuck you airtran.
some very good things about this weekend and some very bad things. some big mistakes, but some fantastic conversations. some highlights:
JAKE. dead car to the doctors. rossi, deptford and cherry hill. art institute of ph. drug deals. the location that is (and will always be) station 12-5. maple lake, but not really. paranoia, shaking, fireplace. driving to tcnj for an awesome night with de and nikki. bubble bobble, cluck-u, gross neighbors puking in sinks, passing out to alias on some other kids bed. breakfast. id hunting. driving through trenton (and coming out alive). driving to collegeville pa for one of the coolest kids i know. conversation. lots of it. and a nice pseudo-diner. driving home just as the snow starts falling. hours and hours of driving with only three tapes: aerosmith (unknown album), and buying specifically for the trip: best of blondie, and fleetwood's rumors.
this weekend at times not so great, mostly awesome though. live and learn, right? right.
i am really glad i saw those kids this weekend. they get it, how people here will never be like people back home. and maybe in four years i will feel the same about people here, but right now i know they can never replace them because i have the best friends any kid could ask for. (even if some of them are royally fucking up.)
i am confused about a whole lot right now though. but i dont want to figure it out. so i am not going to. clever right? oh i know. i know.