Last night was so much fun. Me, Mallory and Josh ended up going up together. It was awesome. So many people were there from school, which kinda sucked, well I thought it would anyways, but it was good. We stayd there till like 10:30 and then we were dieing of sweaty heat and people grinding their asses on us. We got home at like 11 and Josh came over for a little bit and ate cheese sticks with me and Mallory. Oh what fun. Now I'm bored, and hopefully my cool boyfriend will want to hang out or something.
Full Birth Name: Megan Elizabeth Daley
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'3"
Glasses/contacts: neither
Birthdate: Feb 28
Star Sign: pices. thats what they mean by star sign right?
Current Age: 15
Siblings: one brother, one sister.
Siblings Age: 12 and 22
Location: Fitchburg
College Plans: yes
Any Piercings: yes, 2 in each ear. going for the belly button hopefully.
01. Best Friends: Mallory, Stacy, Sam
02. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Justin<3
03. Current Crush: haha which one? Johnny Damon
04. Hobbies: computer, music.
07. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: none at the moment.
08. Are You Timely Or Always Late: both
09. Do You Have A Job: i want one..but I'm lazy.
10. Do You Like Being Around People: yes.
01. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: no...not in a cocky way, I've just never loved anyone.
02. Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: yeah.
03. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: no I don't.
04. Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: no
05. Ever Liked a close Guy/Girl Friend: no
06. Are You Lonely Right Now: nope
07. Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: no, and if I don't, o well.
08. Do You Want To Get Married: yes
09. Do You Want Kids: yes
01. Room In house: mine
02. Type of music: anything
03. Song: everything i lsiten to is my favorite
04. Memory: any time in the fourth grade.
05. Day Of The Week: thursday
06. Colour: green
07. Perfume Or Cologne: Tommy
08. Flower: hibisucs
09. Month: October
10. Season: autumn
11. Place to be kissed: lips yo
12. Location for dates: on the couch =)
01. Cried: no
02. Bought Something: yea
03. Gotten Sick: nope
04. Sang: yes
05. Said I Love You: many a time
06. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them, But Didn't: no
07. Met Someone New: yes
08. Moved On: from what?
09. Talked To Someone: mhm
10. Had A Serious Talk: no sir
11. Missed Someone: mhm
12. Hugged Someone: yes
13. Kissed Someone: oh yes
14. Fought With Your Parents: no
15. Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: nope
16. Had a lot of sleep: yeah last nite
17. Wanted This Survey To Be Over: why do you hate yourself so much?
1. What do you think of the way you look?: um, i duno. it's ok I guess.
2. What do you think about your attitude?: haha, bad sometimes. im working on it.
3. What do you think about life after death?: you have one chance so fucking make it worth somthing
4. What do you think about karma?: just be nice..
5. What do you think about love?: it's stupid.
6. What do you think about fate?: its true
7. What do you think about your self?: im wicked awesome. jk. nothing.
8. What do you tell yourself if times get hard?: i dont talk to myself a lot
9. What would you give your life for?: my country maybe. a lot of people do that?
10. What do you think about your first love?: if it was love, he was cool. we had fun.
11. What do you think about the first person you loved?: he's a snob, but you gotta love him.
12. What are you scared of?: chainsaws
13. What was the saddest moment of your life so far?: rather not say?
14. What would life be without friends?: nothing
15. Without family?: eh, nothing/everything
1. Do you dream alot at night?: yeah
2. Do you dream in black and white, or color?: both
3. Do you remember any of your dreams?: some
4. Where is your dream make out spot?: beach yo, as is every girls. except mine has palm trees and warm water. =) im a geek, i know.
5. What is your dream kiss like?: um, yummy?
6. What is your dream job?: being famous.
7. Where is your dream house?: california, or a flat in NewYork
8. Where is your dream vacation?: hawaii
9. Do you believe that your dreams are a gateway to your soul?: possibly?
1. Parents names: Leo and Gigi
2. Do you live with both of them?: no
3. Any siblings?: didnt u already ask that?
4. Do you get along with your siblings?: one of them
5. Do you get along with your parents?: my dad mostly.
1. Do you write in a journal or diary?: journal
2. Do you keep an organizer?: no sir
3. Do you believe in love at first sight?: no
4. Do you believe that every person has one soul mate: no
5. Do you believe in having a good education?: sure? it gets u places.
6. Do you believe in horoscopes?: yes
1. Favorite day of the week: douchebag! why are u asking shit u already asked?
2. Favorite ice-cream: mint chocolate chip niggah
3. Favorite movies: almost famous, and dazed and confused. oh oh oh and texas chainsaw massacures!
4. Favorite actors: Johnny Dep
6. Favorite quote: Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll.
7. Favorite music groups: uuugh eveyrthing
8. Favorite holiday: halloween and christmas eve
9. Favorite season: already said
10. Favorite colors: green!!!!! red.
11. Favorite flowers: GAH are u kidding me dude? THIS SURVEY SUCKS!
12. Favorite school subject: english
1. Boyfriend/girlfriend's name: justin god damn it!
3. Where does that special someone live?: fitchburg
4. Things you like in the opposite sex?: smile. eyes.
5. When was your first kiss: um...7th grade?
6. The most romantic words anyone has said to you was: megan, you're a fucking fag =) thanks stacy.
last cigarette: like uh, a long time ago.
last car ride: coming home from home from sh-booms
last good cry: a while ago
last library book: like 3 years ago haha
last movie seen: jaws
last book read: Night
last cuss word uttered: fuck
last beverage: apple juice
last food consumed: lolly pop
last crush: Justin
last phone call: Justin.
last tv show watched: making the game it was gay. g.a.y. GAY!
last time showered: yesterday
last shoes worn: flip flops
last cd played: sublime
last item bought: water
last downloaded: ciara: 1,2 step.
last annoyance: my dad waking me up. I need to smack him.
last disappointment: ugh, my boyfriend. he is a slacker
last soda drank: mountain dew
last thing written: dew
last key used: w
last word spoken: "um"
last sleep: an hour ago
last im: Ryan
last weird encounter: some big girl at sh booms, tryd to swallow my thigh with her ass cheeks. wicked gross.
last ice cream eaten: cookies and cream
last time amused: like 5 mins ago
last time wanting to die: uh, no?
last time in love: no
last time hugged: last nite
last time scolded: hahahaha
last time resentful: now?
last chair sat in: this one shit face
last underwear worn: amry thong nig
last shirt worn: DC
last time dancing: 12 hours ago
last poster looked at: johnny Damon
last show attended: Sloan and Jet
last webpage visited: lj