Jun 10, 2005 08:30
I'm updating this gay freakin thing sitting in 4th hour because I have nothing beter to do..
Yesterday, School-- omg it was so freakin hot all day.. =/ it sucked. Only 6 more days though! Thank god! =)
And then after school I had a volleyball meeting, and he talked about weight training.. Me and Meghan decided that we're gonna go every day lol. And then after that I went over her house and we chilled outside like all day w/ Josh.. [who was very depressed and we don't know why] And then at like 6 my dad pissed me off and made me go to SMM practice, which sucked! Omg it was so hot, I complained the whole time lol. And then After practice i went home really fast and changed so I wouldn't stink and then went back to meghan's. She was still outside lol. And then like 15 minutes later it started raining so we went inside and ordered food. And then we ate and watched part of the pidtons game, and then i went home at like 9:30ish. And then i went home and went to bed.
I miss my mommy =( lol..
Today so far..
Woke up EXTREMELY late, [like, even later than normal lol]
1st- went over questions for the final
2nd- Softball; got hit.. AGAIN! lol
3rd- Nothing, I freakin hate that class lol.
4th- Obviously nothing because I'm sitting here doing this lol
And that's about it.
Afterwhile Crocidile ♥