Aug 05, 2008 09:40
I have not signed into livejournal in a super crazy long time, but madness ensues while I am at work and I gave in. The spotlight thing is pretty nifty, and it has been keeping me company to say the least. There is this group that is called wtf_history or something to that effect and I love it. I'm super excited that I found that gem!
I have decided to make a new livejournal, (bringing back my teenage angst) and mainly because I feel like I have lost my voice. College is full of adventure, but it's also full of mindless paper writing, which in turn is why I feel like I have lost my voice. If I ever want to write my cute, witty, intelligent novel..I have to start trying to retrieve my writing style! WARNING: there will be a lot of typos, spelling errors and the like...although I can type fairly well, spelling is lost on me.
So in turn I am posting this to say "blogging world...I'm back! " and to inform those of you with whom still sign on here, I'm making a new name...mainly because I know this livejournal is full of people I do not talk to and could care less about what I'm writing. So to prevent them from having to read my deep and dark secrets...NEW USERNAME! no idea what I'm going to pick...this is kind of exciting! Let me know if you want itttttttttt.