Jun 25, 2005 17:47
fuckin' a i got three ejections in 1 sec. ....i dont think u got that .... 3 FUCKING EJECTIONS.....do u know what that means when u get thoes in 1 sec....thats right..... a mother fuckin automatic ejection of the game. the entire game. now try doing that in the second quater...omg urgggg
thank god they didnt need me... we wopped their asses...14 to 1 biatches...i scored one goal..hey i was only in for what 3 min.
sick....have no inhaler....ahhhh some one let me breathe!!!!
goin to a bat mitzvah.....all lil 7th graders...soon to b 8th...someone please save me!!! its my bff's lil bros party...known that kid forever...hahahah me and him used to wrestle and beat each other ^ back in the day....good times good times.. i know he wont read this but props to u matt..... i know it was hell but hey just think...u never have to go back....u can enjoy life now hahah jk
soooooo im sitting here... admiring myself in my new suit.....VS makes some hot bathing suits....if i do say so myself.
hey hey world leader pretend... hella good group...fucking funny story bout how they even got noticed...ok not that funny...just entertaining....
pimp my rides on again....urg i dont like reruns
im out...peace....