now is it just me. or did kerry eat bush up in the debate? bush is a horrible speaker, and he interupts alot. kerry knows what he is talking about. i love it how everyone is all 'hes throwing mixed signals hes a flip-flop blah blah blah' thats bullshit. thats just bush's excuse cause he cant find anything thats actually really wrong with him. i
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2ndly. gas prices are high for one reason. companies with links to the bush administration are the ones that are getting the benefit from the invasion, NO THE U.S. yeah, why sell it at below market value when you can still charge an arm and a leg for it. its called economic strategy, then again judging my your age im sure you havent attempted to educate yourself on any of the intricacies of that topic. than again, i guess im just an ignorant hippy liberal. yup, ignorant. defined that word means "destitute of knowledge or education." judging by your credentials i believe this makes you the ignorant one.
hey look. john kerry isnt perfect. hell, i wish he was pro life, but bush is getting no where in iraq. we need someone that is going to open up dialog for many issues that have been thrown in the closet for the last 4 years. someone that isnt going to squander a budget surplus on tax breaks (not that we are going to have one after this administration) and that is going to help slow inflation by investing in our future by lowering our national debt. he isnt perfect, but judging by the alternatives, what else is there =p
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