Jun 06, 2007 21:42
I dont think it has really hit me yet that i am done with high school
I am excited about next year in college but I am nervous at the same time
Today I discovered I am in the one dorm i requested to not be in which is the all girls dorm :)
ohhh i love drama
honestly i have a few good girl friends but to be honestly most girls get so damn bitchy
i get along better with guys
they are more forgiving and usually happier
sometimes not as understanding but its all adds up
In the end i dont really think being in the all girls dorm will be that big of deal
Today I did a great job of stalking my roommate today her name is jessica sprain she is short softballer
from a very small town...she hates rap heavy metal so at least i wont have to deal with either of those genres playing
on our stero
i messaged her and i hope to her back soon
she seems nice....
do you ever notice that people like grow into there name
have you ever met a mean
or Rosemarry
People usually fit their name....