Well...at least if you consider sitting on one's ass for 4 hours in front of internet working hard. In which case, I do.
I'm freezing here in the SU (I swear, the weather's cooling down, people! Turn the AC down!) I think the first officers meeting of Anime Club went well; I'm going to try and make sure they are held more regularly so that the bureaucracy stays behind closed doors. Members don't need to see us throwing our weight around, really.
Printmaking was exciting...Geo flailed, and I found out I get to do etching, which means I get to play with Nitric Acid and Zinc. Mmmmm, jesus. And PED was boring...too many freshies for my taste. Should have taken it earlier, but oh well.
I have decided I'm going to make sure to do all my Gen Ed stuff while working in the lab. Because seriously, I'm going to need the rest of my time to work in the art building. I have to have 50 prints and 15 ceramic pieces done before finals. What a wonderful welcome to junior year for me!!! I think my studio is going to be fun though...I'm quite excited about ceramics. ^_^
Got to see
nekuranotensai's D-Boys book today...that made me quite happy. Araki is one hawt shirtless Asian man. Woot!
Well, I'm off to print PED notes and shit for Mullins. Gen ed's suck ass.