Oct 18, 2007 01:28
Dear God,
Please give me a patience for people who grossly misquote Your Word, grinding it into a whole lot of rubbish sentences tacked together by their own knowledge...or lack thereof. Help me not to pick verbal/typed arguments, and a grace to understand where in the world (or not in the world) they're coming from, and wisdom to respond in the way that is right.
PS: Thanks for the nice A+ on my paper.
...would explain further for those who care to read, but it's 3 am and I have to be in school in 5 hours time, catching some sleep while I'm at it. Not the easiest thing to do, yes?
Recent spate of debates about homosexuality and, for some strange reason, a whole load of criticism (drawn from a lot of places including complete rubbish misunderstanding of biblical verses) and random statements. Upset, of course...but I'm really sad too.
You know, Jesus suffered a lot more defamation than anyone ever did. I don't think He's as surprised about this. I don't even think He's insulted by it. . How could you love something that hates you so much so deeply that you wouldn't care what they do to you, but care about what they do to themselves and whether they're getting the best they could out of life?
I hope they know Jesus soon.