Jul 14, 2005 02:18
so last night was awesome. hung out with steele and lance. we smoked some cigs, some bowls, and talked about anything and everything on my porch until like 2 am. we talked about the past, the present, the future. we looked at yearbooks from 5th, 7th, and 8th grade. we looked so young. we grew up so fast. time flies. i can't complain, though.
today steven and i drove to orlando. i told him we should leave at 10 am, but he thought i was joking around. he got pulled over going 103 in a 70...ahh. told you so :) he thinks i jinxed him. got high with anthony when we got here, its always a pleasure. got all dolled up (hardly) and went to a bar. yes, i got wasted. it was fun. so did cara..and well keke too for that matter. it was fun. we met alot of cool people and alot of well, not so cool people. one dude nearly blew out my eardrum, i had no clue what he was saying. now im back at keke's apartment chiiilliiin. i hope steven doesnt forget to take me home tomorrow. that would be no good.
off to bed.
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