Name: Amanda
Age: 15
Gender: female
Birthday: 07/06/92
Sexuality: straight
How did you hear about
_smartlypretty: I just rejoined livejournal and I remembered hearing about it once, so I googled it!
Favorite Movies:
1. Psycho
2. The Godfather
3. The Departed
4. Rear Window
5. Titanic
Favorite Bands/Groups/Singers:
1. Tom Petty
2. The Beatles
3. Cream
4. Elvis Costello
5. This isn't really a band, but I love 80's music and many of that is done by One Hit Wonders. Thusly I couldn't think of a last band. I hope you'll accept a genre.
Favorite Books:
1. To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
2. 1984, George Owell
3. Cop Hater, Ed McBain
4. Night, Elie Wiesel
5. Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier
Favorite Foods:
1. Spaghetti
2. Vegetarian subs from Jimmy Johns
4. Gummibears
5. Garlic Bread
Favorite Actors/Actresses:
1. Kyra Sedgwick
2. Jerry Orbach
3. Sarah Jessica Parker
4. Leonardo DiCaprio
5. Shia Leboeuf
Favorite TV Shows:
1. Law & Order
2. The Closer
3. Sex and the City
4. Grey's Anatomy
5. Family Guy
Abortion: I am against abortion in most cases, but I do understand the stance of people that are Pro-Choice. It is my opinion that abortion should be only for rape victims, or women that would me hurt/killed by carrying the baby to term. I do not think it should be used for women that simply do not want the baby because I think that there are other options. One option is adoption. Sadly, people are so self absorbed these days that they will spend thousands trying to conceive rather than just adopting. But I think living is always better than death. Oh, I also think that young girls should be able to get adoptions. I mean a 12 year old girl is not ready physically or emotionally to have a baby.
Eating Disorders: This is a topic that saddens me deeply. Our society is so obsessed with being thin that we are practically forcing girls to try and be thin. I think anorexia and bulimia are terrible disseases. And that's what they are disseases. As many of you know there are pro-ana and pro-mia websites popping up all over the internet where girls are trying to be anorexic or bulimic. The share tips and tricks to easily through up or how to not faint. I think this is absolutely disgusting. In my opinion it is the same as saying, "Hmm. I think I'll go try and get cancer today!" But, I think the main issue of why girls are even doing this is because they want to look beautiful, and the sad truth is thin is in.
Bush: In the beginning I was all for Bush, but recently my respect for him is declining quite quickly. i think the way he is handling the War in Iraq is terrible. I think the way he went into the war was all wrong, although I think we might me making a difference. I also think that if we were to pull-out now, it be like Vietnam. Also, I absolutely hated the Immigration Bill. First off I think that immigration is major issue that needs to be taken care of, but that bill was not the way to do it. I mean it is punishing the person who follows out laws. For instance it would be hurting someone trying to come in legally, but helps people that came here illegally? I think it has NO logic at all. So, Bush is basically on my bad side and I am quite anxious for 2008.
Gay Rights: I am all for gay rights. Love is love and is NOT our government's job to interfere with that. Love is natural, no matter who you love.
Censorship: I think censoship has gone too far. Once I was watching Risky Business on AMC and it said, "Sometimes you gotta say "What the heck", make your move. Joel, every now and then, saying "What the heck", brings freedom. Freedom brings opportunity, opportunity brings freedom. So your parents are going out of town. You got the place all to yourself. " I mean, seriously! I don't think there should be massive orgies on PBS, but I don't know who we are protecting. If you have a small child--use parental controls. There is no point in ruining it for the more mature people.
Drugs: I don't do drugs and I don't plan on doing drugs. I'm not going to hate you for doing drugs though. One of my best friends smokes pot occasionally. Do I think it's stupid? Yes, a little. But I don't hate her for it. It's her choice if she wants to mess with her body. I think drugs can do great harm to a body and I don't want to wreck mine.
Suicide: I hate when people say that suicide is selfish. Please. Mostly suicide is brought on by depression, which is a disease and cannot be helped. People who commit suicide have major issues and it is wrong to hate them for what they did. Sure you might say, "I would never do that!", but have you ever been in that kind of situation? I haven't. So it isn't my job to judge them.
Religion: I am a religious person. I believe that there is a God and that he is helping me through the day. But, I am not the kind of person to push my religion on other people. Live and let live. If you want to be Buddhist, or Muslim, or Jewish, or Athiest go right ahead. I'm not going to judge you for that. I don't think that not believing in God is bad, it is just my choice to believe in him. But, I don't follow the Bible strictly. I believe in evolution and I am 100% for gay rights.
Of all of today's controversies and goings-on, which controversy or problem annoys you the most, and why? Stem Cell Research is currently not getting a lot of attention--and that annoys me. I think that it should get government funding because it can possibly find cures to many things!! My Grandma has Alzheimers and I hate watching her fade away in front of me. I wish everyday that there was a cure to this disease. It just angers me that there might be a cure, and scientists aren't getting funding for it.
Describe yourself to us in your own opinion: I'm an average girl. I live in a town in Michigan that I love. It isn't small by any means but it just feels like home. I love hanging out with my friends and I spend a lot of my time reading outside. I like sitting on my driveway at night with a flashlight and a book. I'm kind of shy at first, but I am really easy to get along with. I'm a hardworker and I don't get handed things on a silver platter. I'm just me. (:
If You Could Change Something About Yourself, What Would It Be And Why: I can be REALLY shy when I don't know anyone. I think this is because I am fairly self-consious. I wish i was less self conscious so that I wouldn't be really shy.
What are 10 things you do every day?
1. Brush my teeth
2. Go on LJ
3. Go to Work
4. Eat
5. Watch tv
6. Call my friends
7. Read
8. Crack my knuckles
9. Play with my cats
10. Help my mom with dinner
One interesting fact about you: I've been taking dance since I was four.
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