i sat down to post last night but really didnt feel like it as soon as i started. so this morning before class i didnt have much to do, so i sat down and did this.
Red: In the last 24 hours have you..
Cried? no
Hugged someone? my aunt
Kissed someone? no
Lied? not that i remember doing
Snuck out of your house? dont need to sneak out, i live by myself
Laughed really hard? no
Gotten sick? my allergies are bothering me a little but not really
Hung out with a friend? no but i'd like to
Got your feelings hurt? dont think so
Been lied to? dont think so
Orange: What Would You Do...
If you saw someone shoplift? keep it to myself probably because im a chicken
If a loved one died? be sad
If a friend lied to you? feel hurt
If your GF // BF were cheating on you? feel really hurt, because it really hurts
If something really embarrasing happened to you? hopefully i'd be able to laugh
If someone said insulted you? be pissed off probably
If you found out a teacher at your school was a drug dealer? or rapist? again with the chicken shit self, probably do nothing
If you found out someone in your family was stealing stuff from someone else in your family? continue to be disappointed in them. because i really am disappointed.
If you found out your Dad was on Viagra? dont want to think about it.
If something really bad happened to sliced your finger off or something else? be pissed at myself for doing something so stupid
Yellow: Your Emotions..
Do you tend to cry a lot? more than i wish i did
Are you really emotional? yes.
Do you get really bad mood swings? sometimes
Do you tend to get annoyed easily? too easily
What annoy's you the most? myself
Do your feelings get hurt easily? yeah
If another person said something mean about you, would it matter to you what they said? depends on what they said
Does it bother you if people talk shit on you? it bothers me when people talk about me at all, it makes me feel very vulnerable.
Does food change how you feel? i wish it was so easy.
Have you ever cut // done drugs to feel better? never cut. never would.
Green: Your Apperance...
Are you tall or short? short.
What color hair do you have? who knows? brown. i just got a haircut yesterday, i dont think i love it.
Do // have you died your hair? me? not anymore
What color eyes do you have? brown.
Do you have glasses // contacts? nope
Do you want color contacts? nope
Do you think you're attractive? occasionally.
Do other people think your attractive? i hope so.
If you're a girl do you wear make up? a little
What color looks best on you? im quite unadventurous and wear either black or white just about all the time.
Blue: Your Social Life...
What group are you in at school? graphic design
How did you get into that clique? its my major
Is there a group you wish you were in? anything that made me more social
Is there a clique your clique hates? i dont like certain people, but i dont know anyone well enough to hate them.
What do you normally do on the weekends? it used to be work. i need to find something new.
What do you normally do on school nights? homework.
Do you go on single dates // group dates? single dates, but normally they are results of hanging out with groups of people.
What would you do for a first date? get coffee somewhere and walk and talk
Do you go to parties? yup
What is your "Label"? the quiet one.
Purple: You Wish...
If you had three wish's what would they be? become happier with myself, live up to my potential, find everything im looking for
Why would they be your wishs? because im not happy with who i am right now.
If you could give your best friend anything, what would it be? everything because they deserve it.
What is your "Dream House"? a big one in a city
What is your "Dream Car"? a little cute one
What is your "Dream Life"? to be sucessful and happy and have someone to share it with
What charateristics would your Perfect GF\wife // BF\Husband have? caring, understanding, love me for me
What would they look like? i dont know
Where would you live? a city, i just havent decided on which one.
Pink: Love...
What characteristics do you look for in a GF // BF? caring, understanding, love me for me
Apperance wise, what are you attracted to? tall, nice eyes and smile, some muscles but not excessive
How long was your longest relationship? little over a year
Who was it with? dave
Why do you think it lasted that long? i really dont know
Why did you guys break up? because we came to our senses
Who was your favorite GF // BF? favorite? him
Whats the nicest thing the opposite sex has done // said to you? woke me up with a kiss
Who broke your heart? him, but im much better now
now im back from class, and i may as well post for real as that i havent got anything else to do. i really dont. no work! it feels really weird. i wish i had something to do though. i guess i could stand to clean a little this afternoon, maybe make myself dinner. this week has been okay. i posted on monday when i was home feeling like crap. i got myself together and made a cameo at the lombardi's party. it wasnt anything special and i left after an hour. tuesday was our trip to the printer, i took the bus, afterwards i went to the house, ate yummy falafel and layed on the couch watching sex and the city until i had to go babysit. babysat from 3:30 to almost 10. wasnt too terrible. ella was a brat and miles beat up bix, but thats nothing new or different. wednesday was neverending class day, but i survived. yesterday i went and got a haircut. its ok, it looks fine, but some of the layers are a little short i think. then aunt sara and i went to return the pants that i got on saturday since they had a hole in them, they are going to get shipped to her and then i'll get them tailored. today was nothing special. i wish i had something to do. im probably going to end up hanging out by myself and doing some combination of procrastinating and studying this weekend, im not really looking forward to it. someone help and find me something good to do.