Apr 06, 2005 21:49
its a shame i had to spend majority of it in class.
yesterday was quite nice. just production on tuesdays and thursdays, so afterwards i had lunch with mom so i could get tokens, then i walked down to the house, stopped and bought shoes and a cute new bag, got home and relaxed for a bit, then went to get bix and ella, walked them to the dentist where we met robin, where she promptly handed me $20 for my half an hour of service, and told me to have a good afternoon. cant ask for much better than that. i walked back home, sat with mohammed for a while outside, then had dinner with my family, then hung out with lila for a while, cvs, ice cream, front step, drunk guy from above the bagel store that now gave her a suggestive look...it was fun. came home and wrote my sociology paper and made my mastheads and sketched covers and interiors and didnt get to sleep until after 2.
so waking up this morning was quite painful. im amazingly impressed with myself that ive made it through the whole day. class straight from 9-4 and they were all so long and boring. came home and made macaroni and cheese, ate a little, then went to my first sociology class. professor is very entertaining. he's portugese, which means this amazingly deep voice with an interesting accent. if you just take the tone of it, and throw in his laugh, i'd have to compare it to sitting and listening to cookie monster. he's taking a very sex-based approach to sociology, which so far has been recieved a little awkwardly in our class (of which i know no one by the way.) we watched a video about feral children. he let us go an hour early. came home and ate more macaroni and cheese and some pistachio ben and jerry's. i cant decide if im still hungry or not, and im very tempted to go to sleep even though it isnt even 10:30. don't have any production homeowork, so dont have anything due til monday, so i can afford to go to bed i guess. hmmm.
tomorrow i get to do a ballet run with sarah and ella, then work. it will all be boring and quick, so hopefully i wont have to be so tired again. i really think i might go lay down now. i thought this was gonna be more interesting than it turned out to be.