I'm not overly fond of any of this, I cannot seem to do any art that I like but... I'll share anyway.
Title: Untitled
Medium: Mechanical penicl, watercolor pencils, ink
Subject/Pairing: Bellatrix (Black) Lestrange
Rating: PG
Comments: I couldn't sleep so I worked on this all night.
I was half asleep and I think just trying to do something
different. I like the colors. I'm not hugely happy with the overall
work but it'll do until I can pop out something I actually like.
Title: Untitled
Medium: mechanical pencil.
Subject/Pairing: Bellatrix & Rodolphus Lestrange
Rating: PG
Comments: This is the first Bella & Rodolphus I have ever done.
I was trying to work them out on paper, a basic of how I see them
so it will make costume designing for them a bit easier when I decide
to make the costumes.
Title: Hold Me
Medium: mechanical pencil
Subject/Pairing: Bella & Rodolphus
Rating: PG
Comments: I HATE THIS.. I don't know why I'm posting it. There
Is not a single thing that I like. I was working and basically
walking around sketching as I did so. It's terrible but oh I love
the characters so much!
Title: Trio Toddlers
Medium: mechanical pencil
Subject/Pairing: The Trio (as babies)
Rating: G
Comments: I was bored, babysitting, watching rugrats, and wishing
I was online reading smut. So I doodled. Hermione is supposed to be
little miss perfect, while Ron is messy and dirty. Harry is, of course,
Harry. This one scared Vikki, I don't know why. Heh.