Something interesting

Feb 29, 2004 23:44

Finally, I found something vaguely interesting to post to LJ.

First, however, I will briefly ponder on the nature of LJ, or blogs in general. Most of what happens in pretty dull -- "I went to work today", "oops I stubbed my toe" -- probably not worth other peoples worry to want to keep reading.

So, the question is, what should I post that my friends will actually find interesting to read? What would they be interested in reading, why would they add my LJ to their friends list.

My wife, wintersheart, has a fairly good photo-journal of us setting up and customising our new house (e.g. painting the boy's rooms) and I s'pose a fair amount of our life in general -- after all probably 99% of the interesting stuff that happens to us, happens to both of us.

There were several topics I thought of posting, for example I probably do have something of interest if I started journaling about programming -- for example how I was recently searching for an appropriate security API/web service standard and found SAML to be practically a perfect fit as an interface for a new (patented) security service we have developed at work. I could then go on at length how there is very little new in computing (well, I haven't seen much that is truly new in my 10+ years in the industry) and how much I hate fucktards who make up their own interface shit because they don't know how to find, or implement, a relevant standard, etc, etc.

However that would probably be more of interest to the programming community, than my social circle.

So, I would much rather prefer to write about something Goth (SydneyGothic) or Roleplaying (aus_gamers) related. Unfortunately, having 2 young children doesn't currently leave much room for my hobbies, let alone writing about them -- I haven't been to any clubs for a while, only go rarely, haven't bought much lately, and haven't done much gaming either. Basically most weeks would end up a pretty boring "I did _nothing_ particularly goth or roleplaying related this week".

Of course, I have been tempted a few times to start off, like nikkicat13 did, by venting my anger at someone: like this idiot tech support in South Africa that I have been staying up in the middle of the night to talk to (timezones and all); I've been dealing with the same case for the past week or so, and then one of them replies to my email and says "send us some logs" -- they were already at the bottom of email they had just replied to. Fucktard. Not to mention the same people were later telling my co-worker that a mobile phone MSISDN (number) was wrong and that he should ring it and ask whoever answers what the right number was (it was _our_ number, and isn't actually a handset anyway).

Whilst this type of catharsis is probably good for my mental wellbeing, there is already a dedicated _fucktards_ group, and besides it probably isn't very interesting for other people to read.

So, I finally came up with posting this:

We had a good, social, weekend. After the Sydney goth parents picnic last weekend, this weekend was on a much smaller social scale.

On Saturday, 'Arco' (not an LJ user, but I'll use a handle anyway -- some should know who I mean, e.g. jujulilianan) and wife brought over their lovely new baby girl, Arkira. Our boys, especially Connor, were very interested in a child smaller than themselves! They were supposed to visit at about 15:00, but (they are usually late) they didn't make it until 17:30, so we had dinner (I cooked Indian).

On Sunday, we went and visited monie_ree, husband, and their new baby boy, Rhett. Again Connor was very interested in the baby (but Liam was more interested in Toy Story 2, which was running on their video). We had a nice afternoon tea, and the boys ran around outside.

So, that's leading up to next weekend (Saturday), which I am very looking forward to, our "Last housewarming party" -- as we have now bought a house (well, buying -- we own a few bricks, the bank owns the rest) and hope not to have to move again for a very long time.

I suppose pretty much anyone who is actually reading my journal (as a friend) should also be invited, so if you didn't get an invite in the mass email-out a few weeks ago, it's probably because I've got an old email address for you! Send me an email if you are interested, and I will send you our address details.

It will be a lunch BBQ, and warning that there will probably be quite a few kids and babies around.

- Sly
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