
Apr 04, 2005 22:14

k well i got this from mausen but every1 else has been doin it so...yea...

Name - FrAseR
Sex - YeS plZ
Age - 15
Birthday - 12/08/89
Hair - blonde...
Eyes - blue
Height - 5'6ish
Who I like - ---
Cell - 4three8-5one16
Hometown - Campbell, California
I love to - MeR
Single- YessSm
After school activities - Sl3ep, eAT, cS, HanGouT (mAyBeH)
Weakness - Evry1 Se3ms tO Say GrlS
Fear - LonlIneSs
Job - nOnE
Nicknames - FrAseR, loVe, LosA
Phrases I say a lot - MeR, gg nub cake, WoulD sAy I loVe YoU iF i HaD suM1 To sAy it tO

* Fave *
Animal - MonKeh
Band - LiNkiN PaRk
Singer - JaY - Z
Color - LotS (GreEn, BlaCk, Chrom3, PinK, WHit3) PretTy MuCH as LonG as iT lOokS Go0d I liKe iT
Class - EnGliSh
Teacher - MrS. B
Food - LoTs
Drink - Sob3
Ice cream - ChoColAte
Candy - SouR STrawS
Site - Her3 i GueSs
Soda - MouNtAin D3w
Sport - SkAtIn
Clothes - Min3
Number - ShfiFty Fiv3
Holiday - ChrIStmAs
Movies - We Wer3 SolDierS
TV shows - MilItaRy ChanNel
Piece of clothing - GoTa bE ThaT THonG..lol
Actor - JeT Li
Actress - DonT kNO ManY
Restaurant - AppLe B's

* Hates *
Animal - LiGar
Band - GooD ChaRloTe
Singer - MoSt
Color - Lim3 GreEn
Class - AlgEbrA
Food - RhEAly SweAt STufF
Drink - TeA
Ice cream - ButT3r PecAn
Candy - CheAp ChocOlAtes
Site - AlL ThoSe NaUgHtY Sit3s (TheY meSs Up YOuR COmpuTer)
Soda - PePsi
Sport - GoLf
Number - ThIrteEnTeEn
Holiday - EaSTer
Movies - StupId OneS
TV shows - RoCkeT pOw3r
Piece of clothing - ToO mUCh
Restaurants - IHOP

* Friends *
Good friends - SaK, CanT3r, BroWn, KiSh, LauRen, MauSen, RaCHel, ElL, TifF, LiL Can CaN, LaUrA, MusTarD
Enemies - A GrL i LIke's CrUsh
GirlFriend - SinGLe
Which friend acts the most like you? - CanTeR
Can keep a secret - MoST
Who do you tell your problems - No1
Which friend have you known the shortest - LiL Can CAn
Which friend have you known the longest - SaCk
Do you trust your friends - A FeW
Are you a good friend - I thiNK

* Which friend is the *
Shyest - RaChel
Craziest - MauSen
Most emotional - MauSEn
Party animal - AlL
Most hyper -
Quiet - CanTeR
Most trustworthy - NoT SURe
Pest (annoying) - GonA bE Nic3 NONE
Funniest - CanTer
Smartest - LauRen
Dumbest - Sak
Weirdest - Can CaN
Nicest - LauRen
Meanest - MauSEn
Shortest - Marlughi
Creative - MauSEn
Tallest - BrOwn

* Life *
Do you hate your life - SomE TIMes
What is the best part of your life - FriEnDs
What is the worst part of your life - LoTs oF thinGS
What is the worst feeling in life - LoNliENesS
What is the best feeling in life - LoVe
What do you look forward to in life - MiLiTAry
What do you not look forward to in life - DeAtH
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