Last night everyone got a good long bath - get under the fingernails, clean behind the ears please - and the girlbabies and I spent a good 2 hours talking about their crushes while cleaning up nails and braiding hair for beautiful blond curls the next day. This morning all the small children were bundled up (and yes, that blond hair IS beautiful all curly and sweet like it is) and sent to school while I stayed home and cleaned all morning like a good little housewife. While I scrubbed I cranked up
95.7 'The Party' and I loved to stop and dance to
Party in the USA (at least every half hour, it seemed like) as a little break to get re-energized to tackle the next uber-messy room. Getting the house ship-shape is going to take a few weeks so I changed gears, finished wrapping some presents and sorting through paperwork, and now there's just laundry to fold before I'm off to tackle the rest of my day.
...wait, what?
Housework? Wrapping presents advance? Everyone clean at the same time? Doing hair and nails?! Listening to 95.7 THE PARTY!?!
Edited to add: OMG that's Miley Cyrus singing that song!! I will be so mortified with myself when I get back and see what I've been doing.