
Aug 16, 2005 21:43

god today was bad. it made me so fucking depressed. i mean, it was the first day of school so that made it bad enough, i didn't get mr. blankenburg for english even though my aunt was supposed to make sure i did, and worst of all, the ONLY good person that i have lunch with is ashley. EVERYONE else has A lunch and i have B lunch. that's the thing that depresses me the most. seriously, the only part of my day that cheered me up was the fact that billy and me have psychology together. he always makes me feel better. so, i'm gonna see about a schedule change. having my aunt be head of the english department and her being good friends with my counselor defenitly has it's perks. she's gonna write him an e-mail so he can call me in and i can get it how i want it. i'm gonna try to get mr. blankenburg for english, B lunch, and keep my 6'th period (psychology) the same. i'd like to keep 7'th (physics) the same too, but i can do without that. anyway, my point is, today was TERRIBLE and now i am just so unhappy. fucking school. always makes me fucking depressed.
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