Sep 12, 2006 13:54
SO. i got to thinking today about possibly starting up a semi shop in my basement for skis and snowboards again. i probably won't advertise and i gaurentee you ill post this again in the near future. i gots ta make my money somehow.
here are my prices as of now. if you got your old board or skiis kicking around and they looked banged up or are just collecting dust then you might as well bring em in now.
if your base is a little dry, your slipping out on those sharp turns, or for that unfortunate ditch out of your base from that rock slide you thought would be fun...
base wax - $10
edge de-burring/sharpening - $5
base repair - $5
topsheet cleaning/binding adjustments - Free
thats all skiis, boards. half price on all snowskates, dawg.
tell your friends!