Пн, 13:56: RT @ aurosan: Remember when Adam Lambert kissed a man on TV and was blacklisted? Remember when Chris Brown beat Rihanna and won a Grammy?
Пн, 20:54: Supernatural twitter followers: Would I be a complete dork if I purchased a Stanford Law T-Shirt? This is sort of rhetorical.
Пн, 23:39: Twitter! I realized I post a lot of personal stuff here. For those that just want pop culture, start following @ popKelture - my public acct!
Вт, 02:18: Everyone! This acct will be private soon. For my reviews and pop culture ramblings follow me @ popKelture!
Вт, 02:19: If you care about my personal life you're welcome here, but if you're looking for reviews, etc. @ popKelture is the acct to follow.