Tutorial for this icon:
First off, this icon isn't all about the coloring, gradients and color
layers didn't do much difference....what mattered here was the BASE and
the LIGHT TEXTURE i added...so be warned that you might be a bit
disappointed at how little i ddi toget the look :)
Here's my piccy - credit desiringhayden.net
* Crop it, resize to 100x100, prepare the base (i duplicated set to
screen, merged, duplicated agains et to soft light, sharpened and
desaturated. then i blurred teh face cause it needed to eb blurred so
this is optional, i especially blurred the BACKGROUND, this is really
important cause basically thats what gave the icon that look). My base:
* Brush (
77words), color white, just stamp it
* Floodfill #32004b, Exclusion, 30%
* Gradient, Pin Light, 50%
* Gradient, Multiply, 60%
* Floodfill #ffcc00, Multiply, 40%
*Floodfill #7b0046, Color, 10%
*Light texture (i seriously don't remember who it's from, but if its
yours or if you know whose it is lemme know k?), screen, 100%
and there you have it, now just add some text and that's about it:
the font i used is Garamond.
hope this helps a bit. have fun with it.