I've had this journal for about two and a half (since November 2005, believe it or not) and I've went through changes throughout, so I'd like to share and maybe you'll get a few laughs out of it.
I believe I started the Branch legacy in January '06 (that's right, I haven't been able to do a complete legacy for over TWO years now) with Lillie. This was technically my fourth legacy- I had an Uglacy that died in generation three, and I think I had two regular legacies that died in generation three as well. I know everyone loved the Branches, but I can't believe why now. I only had my sims breed with either 01 or 02 faces so everyone almost pretty much looked the same >_<
I did eventually use other face templetes and came up with interesting results:
Maris (who I only remembered because I named the file after her- smart!) I thought she and her daughter (.. whose name I can't remember) were very pretty.
Her twin bother, Paris
I don't remember her name, but her father (don't remember his name either, lol) was Hera's cousin. I don't think she turned out bad compared to her slightly-unattractive father, but I did not try to make her look good. She was cute as a toddler.
Her father, who looked like his mother... that godawful 04 face templete >:(
Who was my favorite Branch? Should be no surprise...
Runners up (in no order):
This was the start of the ever-changing defaults. Let me count on how many skintone defaults I switched around:
(1) Helaene's
(2) The Louis skintone before the ever so popular Self-Makeup one came out
(3) Enayla's (for a very short time- god her first defaults are so ugly)
(4) Louis Self-Makeup
(5) Rensim's Freshies (I donated to her- only one I don't regret)
(6) Louis Self-Makeup again
(7) Lin's edit of Louis Self-makeup
(8) Enayla's Pixie defaults
(9) Rensim's Circonflex (during the short period of the Pocket Legacy, man I wish I could've went farther on it)
(10) Selzi's @Stefan blend with uh... something I forget lol
(11) Pooklet's
(12) Selzi's @ Stefan blend again
(13) Buffybot's September (made by who else.... Selzi lol)
(14) Buffybot's HP blend
(15)My own defaults, which get edited as I see fit :D
I probably used twice as much on eyes.... I am not joking, but I don't feel like looking through all the albums to count.
Ever noticed my progression in teaser pics? I do. Some of the ones I did were ugly, stupid, or ugly-stupid.
The gradient thing is GREATLY overused now, but did I abuse that.
At the time I learned how to make bubbles in my Computer Design class so I did overkill with gradients galore and Photoshop-made bubbles; I wish I remembered how to make them now. Also note the Branch teaser pic trend: I named each update after songs. LOL
I keep my teasers pretty basic now, thank god.
I leave you with this, with two pictures of my progression overall in being a Legacy loser (hopefully this time I'll make it).
Yeah my graphics were never bad (from what I remember) but those were the days when I used the in-game camera and didn't know how to zoom and stuff; I think when Cassia Branch was Sim Top Model, that's when I really started to get better.