Color scheme: #FFFFFF
Comment links text: ( 4 | restless minds and troubled hearts)
Comment link alignment: i dont care
Picture to use between comment links: pink heart, can it blink?
Background picture: picture position: full screen (center)
Background scrolling: no repeat.
Background color: behind
Font type: Tahoma
Font size: 10
Font color:#FF3399
Title: Sometimes the only way is jumping..
Page Cursor:crosshair
Link Cursor:crosshair
Text Alignment: centered
Link Colors: (Put a color for each link state below)
- Unvisited: #FF3399
- Visited: #FF6699
- Active: #FF3399
- Hover: #FF6699
Link Decorations: (none, strikethrough, blur, flipping, bold, underline, overline, highlight, borders, glow, letter spacing) Please notice that some of those are only available for *hover*
- Unvisited: highlight
- Visited: flipping
- Active: blur
- Hover: glow
Scroll bar colors: 3dlight (im not sure what this looks like but what ever you think looks the best)
Border type: solid
Border thickness: thin(1-2)
Border color: #FF3399
Entry position: center
Entry box color: #FFFFFF
Page transition: random
Other details: I'm inexperianced and am unsure about anything involving computers, if you think that something else would look better please feel free to let me know. thank you!
Have you requested this anywhere else? no
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