Mar 19, 2005 19:51
Name: Felicia.
Nicknames: Alicia.
Sex: Female.
Birthday: March 23
Place of Birth: UK
Pets: Zoolander
Height: 5'6 I think
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: brown
Eye color of choice: hazel, more greenish
Writing hand: right
Nervous habits: I shake or pace back and forth.
Do you bite your nails: No
Are you double jointed: No
Can you cross your eyes: yeah
Tattoos: I wish
Do you make your bed daily?: HAHAHA! (That's a no...)
How many best friends do you have?: a lot
Are you still friends with anyone from kindergarten?: No
Do you have a strong relationship with anyone online?: Sure
Have you ever told your friends you love them: all the time
Which shoe goes on first: Whatever ever shoe I pick up first
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? yea
On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet: $20 at all times, then like a $5 to spend
What jewelry do you wear 24/7: I have jewelry on 24/7 but not the same every day
Favorite piece of clothing: my autographed tee
Do you twirl your spaghetti or chop it?: twirl my noodles
Have you ever eaten spam?: no
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla
What's your favorite beverage?: diet Pepsi
What's your favorite restaurant?: Italian ones
What utensils do you use to eat pizza?: Ya, I totally knife and fork my pizza.
Do you cook?: Only for myself
What's your favorite
Singer: Tyler Hilton
Animal: Puppys and kittens.
Food: noodles
Month: March.
Day: Saturday.
Subject in school: English
Color: pink
TV show: One Tree Hill (of course)
Holiday: Christmas
Book: I dont know the name of my favorite book, sad huh. I like the Notebook.
Vacationing spot: California
Things to do in the spring: loveeeeeee
Things to do in the summer: party, bitch, party
Thing to do in the fall: Trick or Treat
Thing to do in the winter: eat
In and around
The cd player: One Tree Hill soundtrack
Person you talk most to on the phone: Jakey
Ever taken a cab: Yea
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows: OMG THIS IS WHAT I LIVE FOR
You use an alarm clock: I use the alarm clock on my cell phone, others never work
Name one thing you're obsessed with: BOF2
Window seat or aisle: window
Whats your sleeping position? side
Kind of bed do you like?: my bed
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: ya, it's a lot thinner though
Do you snore?: no
Do you sleepwalk?: no
Do you talk in your sleep: yeah
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: yeah
Do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on?: tv on mute how ghey is that
Which is better
coke or pepsi: Pepsi
oranges or apples: Apples
one pillow or two?: two
deaf or blind: I couldn't decide. I'd rather be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life
pools or hot tubs: both
blondes or brunettes: brunettes
tall or short: tall
beach or pool: pool
tic tacs or certs: Tic tacs
snooze button or jump out of bed: Snooze!
sunrise or sunset: Sunset
hamburger or cheeseburger: cheese
morning or night: night
sports or news: both
bikini or one piece: bikini
indoors or outdoors: depends
christmas eve or christmas day?: day
cake or icecream: both
bert or ernie: bert
spicy or mild: mild
spearmint or peppermint: Spearmint
call or write: call
peanut butter or jelly: peanut butter is my love
hamburger or hot dog: hamburger
dog or cat: both
bath or shower: shower
book or movie: movie
green or red apples: golden
rain or snow: rain
nikes or adidas: nikes
When was the last time
you took a shower: This morning.
watched bambi: years ago
cried: Thursday
talked on the phone: today
read a book?: today for about 1 min
punched someone: Jake last night (he stole my shoe and wouldn't give it back)
you have a bf or gf: yeah
what's her/his name: Jake
you wish you could live somewhere else: yeah
you think about suicide: no
do others find you attractive: lets make people sound conceited, sure everyone ever in the world wants to bone me, all night long
you want more piercings: not sure
you want more tattoos: yeah
you do drugs: no
you like cleaning: eh, times I do
you write in cursive or print: print
you carry a donor card: no
using someone: Against
killing people: Hate a bitch? Why not kill? It's fun.
teenage smoking: Against
gay/lesbian relationships: For
of times you have had your heart broken: woo, let me get a calculator
Of hearts you have broken: who knows
of drugs taken illegally: ...what do you classify as drugs
of people you would classify as true, could trust with my life: a few
of people you consider as my enemies: like 2
scars: 2
number of piercings: 3
slept in your bed: why jake
made you cry: myself
you went to the movies with: brooke
said they were going to kill you: uhhhhh huh
been to florida? no I only live here
California? ya
china? no
canada? ya
wish you were the opposite sex? that would be fun to be a guy for like a week or two
had an imaginary friend: i pretended i did because i thought everyone else really had one
red or blue: blue
spring or fall: Spring
santa or rudolph: rudolph
math or science: science
english or history: english
what are you going to do after you finish this servey: eat
how many buddies are on: about 20 fuckers
last time you went out of the state: feb went to vegas with parents, jake and lynn. someother bitches were there too.
whats on yur mousepad: happy bunny
favorite board game?: clue
college plans: year off son
are you timely or always late: depends
cried: uh no
bought something: lunch at school, drink at school, some other stuff at store
gotten sick: sneeeeeezee
sang while driving alone: yes
said i love you: yeah
missed someone: yup
hugged someone: Yeah
kissed someone: yeah
fought with your parents: oh dear no