Sep 30, 2005 18:43
so i was totally dreading the fact that this weekend was going to be chaotic (sp?) but its had its good points. FOR example, yesterday Laura and i set up the booth at the conference and we hung out for a bit, then out of nowhere, Omarosa (again, sp?) walks up to us and starts talking. TO ME! out of everyone there, she chose me to talk to, she said i was pretty and should consider a career in tv or something like that, idk. shes crazy..THEN Laura and i get to work when all the kids come in and by that time Josh Logan, for those of you who dont know who Josh Logan is, he's the guitar player that opened for Recycled Percussion when they played at GAHS in May, anyway..he's on tour with us. him and Scott are at the booth with us and Scott says" hey, Elisha...isnt that the kid from the real world? MJ or whatever his name is?" i almost died on the spot, i look over about 6 booths, and there is MJ, sitting with his tour manager, just hanging out...i have never been so nervous to talk to anyone in my life, as i was right then. i finally went over and talked to them, and we talked for awhile. he gave me his tour badge off his neck and signed it for me. then he said he had a plane to catch, but he wanted my screen name. WE EXCHANGED SCREEN NAMES! how freaking cool is that?? so after all that happend, we go back to the hotel and apparently Laura slammed the door too hard and it busted. so all of our stuff was in the room, and we were locked out. they ended up prying the door apart, and taking the lock out and all that funn stuff, and they eventually got it open at like 4 this morning, after they called a locksmith. went to bed attttt abouuut 5 this woke up at 7!! for soundcheck, and marketplace crap...well, the day just keeps getting better...i walked to my booth and on the way, i passed the place where MJ was last night, and guess who was standing there...just guess...YEAH..Freaking Danny And Melinda...the manager decided to call me over and ask how our soundcheck went, and Danny came over and started talking and we talked for a good hour before he had to go to lunch, but not before he said that he wanted to hang out later. so im going to dinner with Danny and Melinda tonight at 8, before the next showcase....hahaha, THEN Mr.Belding from Saved By The Bell walks into our booth and asks about the band and how there doing...i had no clue Recycled Percussion was so popular at these conference things...i cant begin to explain how much fun im having on the road with the guys. im so glad i decided to go, but at the same time, i'm excited to go home, even though i wont be home as soon as i thought. ill be home in June. MAYBE
well thats it for now, gotta go get ready for you all