Jan 12, 2009 15:25
So far no change - still looking like I'll be on time. Yay!
When I went to the doctor this morning, I also had him look at my index finger - I got a blood blister last week that I popped, and since then it's looked really horrible an hasn't healed up at all. So I figured it was infected.
HOWEVER, as it turns out, I have on my finger what's called a "pregnancy tumor." No lie. It's a random collection of blood vessels that hurts like hell and bleeds profusely and goes away after the baby's born. If you have a strong stomach, you can google it and see what the worst case scenario is. He gave me a dermatologist's name and I'm seeing her tomorrow anyway, just because going into the hospital with an open wound on my finger sounds like a great way to get MRSA.
I "interviewed" a pediatrician today and really liked her. I've got one more appointment with Rory's pediatrician, and I've heard he's good too.
While I was in the "well child" waiting room before my appointment, I realized one more way being a parent will be difficult. As I was sitting down, a 3-4 year old girl in the room zoned in on me and started asking her mom, "what she doin?" The mom of course said "sitting down," and the next thing I know the little girl is next to me. No big deal, right? Well I was rummaging through my purse on my lap, and the little girl started peering into my purse. So I'm kind of talking to her, and then she stuck her hand in my purse and grabbed my wallet. I started telling her she couldn't have that because I needed it to drive, and as I'm holding onto the wallet and she's pulling, with her other hand she begins prying it open. So I finally had to actually remove her hand from the wallet and get the whole purse out of her reach. Fortunately about that time she got called back.
The whole time this was going on, the mom was mildly saying things like "No, you can't have that, she needs her wallet," etc., but never actually made a move to do anything about it.
I have the feeling becoming a parent is going to make me much more assertive.