Oct 31, 2008 10:24
My mom works at a Child Development Center at one of the hospitals in Dothan. She's the assistant director, and has been there for 17 years. One of the reasons she's perfect for the job is that she doesn't take herself too seriously. Today being Halloween, she had to wear a costume to work. Last year she found a pig mask in a thrift store, and wore it with a pink leotard and tutu. Everybody loved it.
This year she decided to use the pig mask again but wear a flannel shirt and overalls, and carry a basket with a hammer, home improvement book and a brick. (Also, points for finding two non-nightmare-inducing uses for a pig mask.) This is the email I got from her this morning:
"So far, most of the kids think I should build my house out of wood. They just like it better. However little Jabian Davis looked in my basket and said, “uh-uh, she need to use that brick. A wolf can blow that wood down.” He’s been the only one that got it."
And on the subject of my mom and her sense of humor, she went to Walmart yesterday to get some groceries for this weekend. (Me, Rory and the Fowlers are coming down to go to the fair and staying at their house.) So she's got her basket filled up and has, underneath, a case of Diet Coke, a case of Diet Mountain Dew, and a SUITCASE of beer. I did not know that a 24-pack was called a suitcase, but whatever.
At any rate, she's in the produce section at the front of the store with all her stuff, and this lady walks over to her, leans in and says, "Ma'am, do you know those drinks you have all contain aspartame?" To which my mother replies, bewildered, "Um, yes?" The woman goes on to tell her that they say you should just have a regular Coke, that it's not as bad for you as what's in all that diet stuff (no mention of the SUITCASE OF BEER). Mom just kind of smiled and nodded and the woman finally went about her business. She said that in retrospect, her response should have been, "Yeah, but when you mix it with Jack Daniels it kills all the toxins."