had to write about this wackyy dream

Nov 03, 2008 09:53

I rarely wake up in the morning and am still distraught by a dream that i had during the night but the one i had last night was really fuckin crazy. so here it is:

so my dream started out with me getting back from savannah and overhearing someone talking about how my ex-boyfriend chris was dead (yes dead i say). so of course i'm like flipping out and crying hysterically. Someone hands me a newspaper and i'm reading the article on what happened to him. He killed himself...but the weird part was is that he was living in connecticut and had recently just moved down to savannah and i just came back from savannah last night and i was really upset by the fact that we were in the same city together and i didn't know it and ya. so I find out when the funneral and the wake is and stuff and i'm at the funeral home which is set up really weird and i find his room and i'm obviously still crying and i go up to the coufin and i go to touch his hands and give him a hug and my hands were cold and when i touched his hands he shivered and moved and then stopped. So of course in the dream i start to severly freak out because dead people don't move and then he opens his eyes and explains he isn't dead and that this whole thing was to get me too him so that he could tell me how he wants to be with me and what not...and of course at first i'm just super elated by the fact that he isn't dead and then i'm not so sure what to do because in my dream i'm still dating the other chris and i don't know which one to be with (which creeps me the fuck out) and then i woke up to pee....but i'm still really just weirded out by the whole thing. but now that its off my chest i'm all good.

time for class(es)
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