Shake that baaahhhdy

May 07, 2007 12:47

Things that are totally making this the Best Week Ever:
  • New red flats from Aldo. They're fug on the internet, cute in real life. Kind of like people on MySpace, but reverse it.
  • Eating ice cream and watching Penn and Teller: Bullshit with Taylor
  • Oh and then we finally got around to watching City of God, which did not disappoint at all. We followed it up with Jawbreaker, because I felt those two films just worked well together. Clearly.
  • We booked the Alaska trip on Friday. Pops and I fly out of Detroit on July 5th and we'll be back on the 15th. We're staying at the Backcountry Lodge in Denali National Park for three nights, and it's 95 MILES into the park, at the very end of the road. Jesus, I had no idea this place was so huge. I hope we see a grizzly bear, but preferably not while it's eating my face for an afternoon snack.
  • Finally being able to go to the library again after clearing a gajillion and one half dollars in fines (I still feel really guilty whenever I go in there, like I'm stealing or something)
  • Finding old mix CDs in my car and thinking I was really cool back in Winter '05.. but not quite. I used to secretly listen to shitty gangsta rap while driving to and from work, which I found to be the musical equivalent of three Red Bulls.
  • This clip from Let's go to Prison. I think I want to marry Will Arnett.

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